
National CAC/CYAC Training Program Upcoming Webinar: 
Family Violence: “Linking” Child, Animal Abuse, Domestic Violence & Elder Abuse

Wednesday March 11th, 2020
1:00 – 2:00 PM EST 

Hayley Rose Glaholt, Ph.D.; Executive Director and Co-Founder of Link Coalition Toronto; Family Mediator

These webinars are geared to professionals in Child Advocacy Centres/Child & Youth Advocacy Centres across the country from all of the disciplines – police, child protection, medical, clinical, crowns, and advocates. 

Instructions for registration and attendance:

  • For new registrations, please follow this link and complete the online form to register

  • You will receive a reminder email from  with a link to join the webinar.

  • On the set date and time of each webinar, join the webinar with the link provided.

  • Please note that you must use Google Chrome in order to access the webinars.

  • If you are registering within 24 hours of the next scheduled webinar, you will not have access to the live stream. However, all webinars are recorded in English and French, and can be accessed approximately 3 weeks after the live session here

  •  For questions about translation, interpreting, or for technical support with Kudo, email 


mariebeaulieu cag webinar feb2020

with Dr. Marie Beaulieu, University of Sherbrooke

Thursday, February 13, 2020
12:00-1:00pm Eastern time
Free webinar

"In an applied social gerontology perspective, one of the major impacts is not only having the possibility to influence the development and implementation of public policies, but also to be able to develop practice material aiming to guide practitioners (health and social services professionals, police officers, volunteers, etc.).

This presentation will present the main research results that led to the publication of four practice guides: one addressing ethical and psychosocial issues, another one on police intervention, a third one on self-neglect, and a fourth one on barriers and facilitators to help-seeking by mistreated older persons. Each of these guides will be briefly described."


October 2019

Hosted by the Human Services and Justice Coordinating Committee (HSJCC)

''For the first time ever, there are more Canadians aged 65 and older than Canadians below age 15. As Ontario begins to feel this demographic shift, all areas of the justice system are encountering older adults at a more frequent rate. Often these interactions involve age-related conditions like dementia, mental health conditions, and/or substance use, and the traditional justice system is not designed to meet the needs of this vulnerable population.

Over the past year, the Provincial Human Services and Justice Coordinating Committee has developed a navigational guidebook to help caregivers, care partners and service providers of older adults and adults with age-related conditions navigate the justice system. In anticipation of the guidebook’s release, this webinar will provide an overview of this project, highlighting key issues and promising practices identified during its development. We will be joined by subject matter experts from across the human services and justice sectors to discuss key considerations relating to older adults and adults with age related conditions and their interactions with police, courts and corrections, as well as the civil mental health system.''


  • Sarah Denton, Clinical Intake Specialist North East Behavioural Supports Ontario, North Bay Regional Health Center, Kirkwood Place
  • Phyllis Fehr, Board Member, Alzheimer Society of Brant, Haldimand Norfolk, Hamilton Halton and Ontario Dementia Advisory Group
  • A.J. Grant Nicholson, Mental Health Strategy Lead, Legal Aid Ontario
  • Katie Almond, Probation and Parole Officer, Ministry of the Solicitor General


Source: Human Services and Justice Coordinating Committee (HSJCC)

Hosted by the Ontario Age-Friendly Communities Outreach Program on November 20, 2019.
Presenters:  Bonnie Schroeder & Pat Spadafora

Key Themes: Duality & Sustainability

Over the last four years, Hamilton and Ottawa have been engaged in mobilizing their partners to reduce social isolation among older adults in their communities.
As the project funding from Employment and Social Development Canada comes to an end, each project is focused on sustaining specific activities partnerships and outcomes. The presenters reflect on concepts of:

  • Isolation and inclusion
  • Universal programs and targeted programs to reduce social isolation among vulnerable populations of seniors (seniors who are low-income, multicultural, at risk for abuse, living in rural communities, living with disabilities, etc.)
  • Grassroot and system/policy approaches to sustain the activities and outcomes 



Source: Ontario Age-Friendly Communities Outreach Program

Elder Abuse Webinar Series: The Right for Seniors to Live at Risk. You Are Not My Mother!

Henry Kielley, Acting Director, Aging and Seniors Division, Department of CSSD, Government of NL  
Cassandra Holloway, Adult Protection Coordinator, Central Health, NL

Download the slides of the presentation here
View the webinar here

Source: Seniors NL


Thank You to Our Supporters and Sponsors


CNPEA would like to thank our generous sponsors who contribute to the sustainability of our knowledge-sharing hub
