natnursingframework medicalassistanceindyingincanada "This framework has been developed with several purposes in mind: 

  • To raise awareness among nurses of the change in the federal law, which now permits MAID in certain circumstances and within regulatory direction.
  •  To guide nurses in reflecting on ethical issues that may occur as they care for persons considering MAID in various practice settings.
  • To reinforce sound ethical nursing practice. 
  • To outline the role of nurses (i.e., NPs as compared to registered nurses, licensed practical nurses and registered psychiatric nurses) in MAID and to support nurses in their practice as they work with persons6 considering and receiving MAID and their families and interprofessional health-care teams (in alignment with regulatory direction in relevant jurisdictions). 
  • To raise the visibility of the profession’s contribution to end-of-life care decision-making and care that includes MAID. 
  • To be a resource that supports nurse regulators, clinical nurse leaders, administrators/employers and interprofessional health-care teams to develop policies, guidelines, processes and services which use the knowledge and skills of nurses appropriately to provide or aid in MAID.
  • To be a nursing resource for entry to practice and continuing education on MAID.

The framework is intended to supplement regulatory and employer standards, guidelines, policies and practices in each jurisdiction.
Nurses must consult with their regulatory body and individual employer for specific direction.

The framework is meant to guide all nurses: registered nurses, licensed/registered practical nurses, registered psychiatric nurses and nurse practitioners."

Source: Canadian Nurses Association


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