safeandsavvyA guide to help older people avoid abuse, scams and fraud.

"We know that people over the age of 50 are at risk of financial abuse, scams and fraud. This is often called elder financial abuse. Elder financial abuse can take many forms and happen to anyone. It is a mistake to think it couldn’t happen to you or those you love. Even though it’s hard to discuss, the more we understand what elder financial abuse is, the more we can identify it, talk about it, and take action to prevent it from happening. This guide is for our older customers and their loved ones. We want you to be safe and savvy when managing your money."

(Please note: Part 5 Advice & support for carers and Part 6- Where can I go for help are specifically targeted towards Australian resources, since this document is from Australia. The first four parts, however, can be applied and shared in most countries)

Source: Commonwealth Bank of Australia


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