The following is part of our project “Increasing Access to Justice for Older Adult Victims of Sexual Assault: A Capacity Building Approach”, funded by the Justice Canada Victims Fund.Learn more about this project or consult the full list of resources

cover snapshot4 fall2019 bowsThis is the fourth in a series of Research Snapshots which are being produced for the CNPEA's Access to Justice for Older Victims of Sexual Assault project. Each Snapshot features a relevant research study or resource from Canada or emerging topics that have been identified in other countries. 

Snapshot #4 summarizes the first comprehensive review incorporating empirical research on sexual violence against older people across multiple disciplines and fields of study.

Article Citation: Bows (2017). Sexual Violence Against Older People: A Review of the Empirical Literature. Trauma, Violence, & Abuse, 1-17.

Authors of the snapshot: Amy Peirone and Myrna Dawson


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