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Stopping Older Person Gender-Based Violence in Women 55+ Through Promising Practices (STOP-GBV 55+)

Project Overview


The STOP-GBV 55+ Project aims to strengthen supports for older women and gender-diverse people experiencing GBV by developing promising practice tools for service providers who serve them. The identified tools will have an intersectional lens, be person-centered, and trauma and violence informed.

This is a 5-year nationwide project involving a diverse group of partners across many sectors including shelters, interval and transition housing, violence against women, elder abuse, new Canadians, and community support services for older adults. Particular attention will be given to women experiencing systemic barriers and oppression including Indigenous women, members of the 2SLGBTQI+ community, women residing in northern, rural, and remote communities, immigrant and refugee women, women living with a disability, and Francophone women.

Most screening and intervention tools addressing violence against women have been designed for younger women. The specific needs of women over 55 years of age experiencing gender-based violence - a generation all too often overlooked in communication and prevention efforts around intimate partner violence, consent, and sexual violence, represents a significant knowledge gap for those providing services to this population.

The CNPEA and project partners will connect with a broad range of service providers across Canada with experience supporting survivors of GBV to  ascertain whether the tools they currently use are appropriately addressing the needs of older women. A longer-term goal is to develop a series of promising practices for service providers and organizations to enhance their capacity to effectively outreach and respond to the needs of older women experiencing GBV. Identifying how specific groups are overlooked in the provision of services will assist in strengthening the resources necessary to address service provision gaps.

Our Partners:

Our Partners will provide guidance on project process and strategies, provide input on draft materials and project deliverables, help engage relevant stakeholders and community members to support and inform the project,  participate in the project's developmental evaluation process, and support the sharing of information about the project.

Contact Us About this Project:
Benedicte Schoepflin, Executive Director, CNPEA

Margaret PacPherson, STOP GBV 55+ Project Manager

This project is funded by Women and Gender Equality Canada.
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