Annual General Meeting 
Thursday, September 19, 2019
10 am to 11:30 am (Pacific Time)  / 1 pm to 2:30 pm (Eastern time)

Anyone interested in participation to the AGM must register at the link above.
Once you have registered, you will receive an automated email that will allow you to join the virtual meeting.


  • The Annual General Meeting will be held by teleconference on Thursday, September 19, 2019, from 1:00 pm to 2:30 pm Eastern Time.

  • All members of the Canadian Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse are entitled to vote on a slate of candidates for available Director positions. 

  • Voting will be open until Thursday, September 19 at 1:15 pm Eastern time (15 minutes after the start of the AGM).

  • Members who are unable to attend the 2019 Annual General Meeting of the CNPEA in person are entitled to complete a ballot prior to the meeting. Members understand that by submitting this ballot they will be considered to be present at the AGM for the purpose of electing the following Slate of Nominees as Board members.  

  • The CNPEA membership will vote on the Slate of Candidates as a whole.  



Meghan Derkach, British Columbia
Meghan completed her BSW with a Specialization in Aging in 2014. She is passionate about working with the aging community, specifically in promoting healthy aging. Meghan believes it’s imperative to support older people in retaining their autonomy and health at all levels of government.
Meghan has worked at Seniors Outreach Resource Centre (SORC) since 2014 addressing mental, physical, environmental, and social factors affecting vulnerable older adults. She was simultaneously employed with Kelowna Women’s Shelter where she learned first-hand about abuse and the lack of knowledge, support, and policy surrounding the aging population. Meghan now works at SORC applying for grants, constructing awareness articles, and most recently generated an organizational policy manual with updated constitution and bylaws. Meghan is very excited to have the opportunity to be a part of a large-scale initiative of addressing elder abuse through provincial/territorial and national policy development and believe it is vital to protect older persons so they can age safely with dignity and respect.

Marta C. Hajek, Ontario
As newly appointed Executive Director for Elder Abuse Prevention Ontario, Marta has been working diligently with the Ontario government to build a stronger presence in the community; to advance the priorities of the ON Strategy and to build sustainable partnerships with agencies and other stakeholders. In the end, all EAPO strategic approaches aim towards improving the quality of life, for the most vulnerable Canadians, helping build community capacity to address the growing complexity of needs of vulnerable at-risk older adults or providing supports to their families and caregivers. 

Sandra P. Hirst, Alberta
Sandra P. Hirst RN, PhD, GNC(C) has held a number of leadership positions in gerontology including president of the Canadian Gerontological Nursing Association; president of the Canadian Association on Gerontology, and president of the Alberta Association of Gerontology. Sandra has completed a three-year appointment from the Prime Minister to sit on the National Seniors Council. She currently sits on the Board of the IFA.  Her areas of research and related scholarship focus on abuse and neglect of older adults, and the experiences of older adults who reside in long term care facilities. In 2012, she received the Jeanne Mance Award from the Canadian Nurses Association, the highest honour that a registered nurse can receive from her peers.

Yogeeta Jhodhan, Ontario
Yogeeta is Care Manager for Bayshore Home Health. Yogeeta  is involved in a number of organizations in the Peel Region: LHIN, Making our Seniors Matter, Flower City (Senior Groups), Brampton Seniors Council, Temple- President, Community Emcee for local churches & temples, Caledon 55+ networking, PEAPN member, Member of Paramedic Dufferin- Peel, Support William Oslers Brampton Civic Hospital, Peel Memorial, & Headwater Hospital. As well, she is a part-time Professor at the University of Guelph-Humber and a part of the faculty of Health Science. 

Yogeeta obtained her Personal Support Worker diploma back in 2009, followed by an RPN designation from George Brown College, a double degree in Psychology and Adult Development and Masters. She is looking to further her education in her PhD.  In 2012, Yogeeta was one of 60,000 Canadians honored with a commemorative Diamond Jubilee Medal for outstanding community service and contributions. Awarded both in 2018 & 2019-International Woman’s Month in Peel Region. 

Kate Schroeder, Manitoba
Kate is Compliance Manager at Investors Group. She sits on the Senior and Vulnerable Client working group whose mandate is to provide guidance for the Advisor network and for client-facing departments on how to assist and support senior and vulnerable clients and victims of financial abuse. Kate also chairs the Senior and Vulnerable Client Escalation group which provides real-time advice to high-risk situations with the ultimate goal of protecting those clients from initial or further financial harm. Kate is interested in furthering industry knowledge and best practices on supporting seniors, vulnerable clients, and victims of financial abuse. She recently attended the National Seniors Council roundtable which brought together a variety of industry experts to discuss best practices and further requirements to adequately protect seniors from financial harm. Kate has also attended multiple sessions as an industry expert participant at the Investment Industry Association of Canada (IIAC) to discuss and promote best practices on dealing with the senior and vulnerable client demographic.

Chelsea Skanes
Chelsea is a registered social worker in long-term care who has a strong interest in LGBTQ+ older adults and their needs. Chelsea has experience in project management, event coordination, and grant-writing through Planned Parenthood NLSHC and St. James United Church. She hopes to bring a queer-informed lens to the table, along with her background on faith committees, and her experience volunteering with palliative care.


Pam Burns, Alberta
Pam has a BSW and brings 21 years of experience in the field of Social Work. She currently works in the nonprofit sector for an organization that provides direct service as well as advocacy for the senior population in Fort McMurray/Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo (RMWB), which is located in northern Alberta.  Pam facilitated the creation of the Coordinated Community Response to Elder Abuse in the RMWB and continues to be a champion of elder abuse awareness and prevention.  She is the Vice-Chair of the Alberta Elder Abuse Awareness Council (AEAAC) and also sits on the  Advisory Committee on Aging (ACOA), which is city council appointed committee that focuses on Age-Friendly initiatives.

Weiguo Zhang, Ontario
Weiguo is a social demographer who received his Ph.D. in Development Studies at the Institute of Social Studies, The Hague, The Netherlands, in 1998. From 1997 to 2000, he worked as a lecturer and social scientist at the Post-Graduate Diploma Program in Population and Sustainable Development, sponsored by the United Nations Population Fund, at the University of Botswana. Weiguo has been conducting research on aging and care in China in the past 10 years and has recently started to engage in research and community service on Chinese immigrants in Canada. His research on elder abuse among Chinese immigrant families, using participatory action research, together with Chinese senior associations and service providers in Mississauga can bridge local communities, service providers, research institutions, and policymakers in addressing research and practice on understanding and preventing mistreatment of older adults.



Publishing Criteria

Any resource posted on the Hub is first screened based on the publishing criteria. If you wish to share a resource with the community, please ensure that it fits the requirements and email it to us. We usually post material within 72hrs of receiving it. 

Publishing Criteria

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  • Share your ongoing projects, research updates and favourite tools
  • Announce your upcoming events
  • Tell us about promising practices and initiatives via a blog post.

Check out our publishing criteria or email us for more information 

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