Older Women Rock the World: The right to participation and those who make it happen 


April 12, 2022 
1.15 pm to 2.30 pm (ET)
Register hereenglish oewg12 sideevent ilc canada flyer

Join ILC Canada and the International Federation on Ageing for their #OEWGA12 (United Nations Open Ended Working Group on Aging) event.
Interpretation in English and French available. The event will also be livestreamed on UN Web TV.
With opening remarks from the Honorable Kamal Khera, Minister for Seniors.

This event will highlight the indisputable impact of older women on their communities. Opportunities and potential barriers for older women to exercise their right to participate will be explored. Civil society will make the argument that ageism is impacted by sexism and that older people, including women, should be protected by an international legal instrument on the rights of older persons.



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