learning and leading with pride coverThe City of Toronto's Seniors Services and Long-Term Care division (SSLTC) has released Leading & Learning WITH PRIDE: A Revitalized Tool Kit on Supporting 2SLGBTQI+ Seniors. "This revitalized Tool Kit strives to:

  1. Advance respectful, inclusive and affirming care for 2SLGBTQI+ seniors in Toronto by
        • Building individual knowledge and skills among SSLTC staff and other service providers in the delivery of support to 2SLGBTQI+ seniors
        • Building organizational capacity among SSLTC and other seniors support organizations in the creation of inclusive environments for 2SLGBTQI+ seniors
  2. Reduce stigma, discrimination, and other barriers in LTC, healthcare, retirement, homecare, and community-based services for 2SLGBTQI+ seniors in Toronto
  3. Meaningfully improve the lives of 2SLGBTQI+ seniors in Toronto by treating them with empathy, compassion, and dignity

It is a resource for any and all service providers and care partners working to support 2SLGBTQI+ seniors (e.g., long-term care homes, retirement homes, hospitals, social service settings, homecare agencies, other community-based organizations). Content might also be relevant to those providing support and allyship to 2SLGBTQI+ seniors, such as family, friends, community members, caregivers, and substitute decision makers.

Source: City of Toronto's Seniors Services and Long-Term Care (SSLTC)