Screen Shot 2016 01 08 at 3.36.35 PM"Moving the problem of elder abuse up the list of public priorities and engendering a productive public conversation around the issue requires a new communications strategy. An effective reframing strategy can foster better understanding of the issue, raise its salience in public thinking, and generate support for needed policies. This report represents the frst step in a larger research project to develop such a strategy. The project is funded by Archstone Foundation and the John A. Hartford Foundation, and is managed by Laura Robbins of Laura A. Robbins Consulting. The FrameWorks Institute is conducting this project in conjunction with a parallel collaborative project on reframing aging. The project on aging is in partnership with the Leaders of Aging Organizations, a group administered by Grantmakers in Aging that includes the AARP, the American Federation for Aging Research, the American Geriatrics Society, the American Society on Aging, the Gerontological Society of America, the National Council on Aging, and the National Hispanic Council on Aging."

Source: The FrameWorks Institute